New Reports Module Guide

Created by Alex Savchuk, Modified on Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 6:55 PM by Alex Savchuk



New Reports Module Basics

Report Updates

Reservation Reports 

New Reports 

Saved Reports

Batch Reports

Report Entitlements 



This guide introduces innRoad’s new Reports module and highlights the broad differences between the old and new report capabilities.

The new reports module includes:

  • New UI - A fresh user interface makes the reports easier to use, read and understand.
  • Multitasking - Reports are now opened in separate browser tabs, so that the user can run multiple reports in parallel and continue their work within innCenter
  • Enhanced date selection – predefined date periods (today, tomorrow, month to date, etc.) have been added to reports to make it easier to select frequently used date period.

Coming Soon:

  • Ability to Save Reports
  • Ability to Schedule Reports to be emailed.


New Reports Module Basics


Click on the ‘Reports’ icon to view the new reports menu screen.



  • Menu: The new menu, groups the reports by type and includes search and filter capabilities, which will come in handy when additional reports are added to the module.

  • Reports open in browser tabs: When a report is clicked it will open in a new browser tab, so you can run multiple reports in parallel and continue your other work within innCenter.

Report Input Section

The input screen has been redesigned to clearly outline the options for each report.






Name of the selected Report


Export Buttons

Print or Export the report to Excel/PDF.  Buttons are disabled until the report is run.


Help Button

Click to access the Support article about the report.


Property Name

Displays the property for which the report will be run.

If the Client has multiple properties, a ‘Dropdown’ selector is provided.


Run Report

Click to run the report.


Name and Description

The name of the selected Report and a short description.


Return to Default

Each report has a set of default input values that are predefined. Click “Return to Default” to return the inputs to their default state.



Hides the input section, after the report is run.


Date Range

·       Pre-defined date dropdown:  Provides shortcut for commonly used date ranges for the report (i.e., Today, Yesterday, Month to Date, etc.).

·       Date Picker is still available to pick custom date ranges. 


Select Inputs

Provides the commonly used inputs to filter the report.


Customized Detail View

Allows users to choose the format of the report’s detail section.  This will be explained for each report later in this document.


Advanced Inputs

Provides advanced input fields for additional filtering.


Report Output Section

The Output of all the Reports has been updated so that the data in the reports is easier to access, including the addition of ‘Summary View’ and ‘Detailed View’ sections.





Selected Inputs

A summary of the selected inputs.  Click the ‘Edit’ button to make a change to the Input options.



Name of the Report and Property


Input Summary

A reference to all the Inputs that were selected to run the report.


Summary View

A summary view of the data in the report, for the given input values.


Detailed View

A detailed view of the data in the report, for the given input values.

For some reports, the data can be ‘Group by’ – Day, Week, Month and Year. (see additional examples below)



Example of detailed section grouped by week


Example of detailed section grouped by month


Report Updates

All the existing reports have been updated with the new interface, discussed above.  In addition, additional functionality has been added to the reports as covered below.

Ledger Balance Report
Provides information about ledger account activity.

Notable Updates

  • Enhanced UI to select ledger accounts more easily.
  • New option to exclude ledger accounts that have a balance of zero.
  • Ability to group data by transaction, day, month, year.
  • “Include data from” defaults to “All Users” (instead of logged in user) since this is the most common way to run report. This filter also allows you to pick a specific user.






Date Picker

Select a date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Month to Date, Year to Date, Last Week, Last Month, Last 3 Months, Last Year) or pick a custom date range from the date picker.


Ledger Account Selection

·  All available ledger accounts can be selected/deselected using the “select all/clear all” option.

·  All ledger accounts of a specific ledger type can be selected by check box.

·  (#) – The number next to the ledger account type, displays the number of ledger accounts available for that ledger type.

·  Click one of the ledger links or the ‘See all’ button to load the Ledger Account Selection Window, which allows the selection of specific ledger accounts, as covered below.


Exclude Zero Balance

An option to exclude any ledger accounts that do not have data for the selected date range.

Selecting this option will eliminate blank rows from the report.


Display Custom General Ledger Account #

Displays the Custom General Ledger Account Number, for each Ledger Account, if this has been configured for your property


Customized Detailed View

·       Sort the detailed view of the report data in ascending/descending order.

·       Group the report data by transaction, day, month or year.  See report output section for more details on the group by options


Advanced Inputs

Offers more input fields for the users to choose from such as Account Types, Item Status, Reservation Status.


Tooltips provide a clear definition of what each input field does.



Ledger Account Selection Window

Click any of the ledger type links (Incidentals, Room charges, etc.) or the ‘Show All’ link, to load the ledger account selection window.

  • Ledger Accounts can be ‘Added’ or ‘Removed’ using this window.
  • Click on a Ledger Account in the ‘Available’ list to add it to the ‘Selected’ ledger accounts.
  • Click ‘Add All’ to add all the ledger accounts in the available list.
  • Use the category filters or search box to find specific Ledger Accounts you would like to add.
  • Selected Ledger Accounts can be removed by clicking on a Ledger account in the Selected list or clicking ‘Remove All.’

Click save, to finalize the selection and the selected Ledger Accounts will be shown on the ‘Ledger Balances Report’ Input Screen.





The Ledger Balances Report has three sections, with Tooltips added to both the Summary View and Detailed View.




Report Header

Displays the report selected inputs.

Summary View Section

·     Displays a summary view of data for all the selected Ledger Accounts.

·     Any negative balances are displayed in red, so it gets noticed easily.

Detailed View Section

·    Displays a detailed view of data for each Ledger Account type selected in the report.

·     “Sort Report By” and “Group Row By” options on the Input Screen can be used to customize the detailed view on the Report Output screen.


Ledger Balance ‘Group By options’ for detail section

  • Transaction: As shown above, when grouped by Transaction, the detailed section shows every specific transaction for each of the ledger types like Parking, Bar, Room Service, etc
  • Day: When grouped by Day, the detailed section shows totals by day


  • Month and Year:
    • When grouped by Month or Year, the detailed section shows the total value of the ledger account for that time:
      • By Month


      • By Year



Daily Flash Report

This report is intended to provide a summary of important performance and operational data for the selected day.

Notable Updates

  • Additional data added to the report to make it easier to understand your property’s performance.
    • Added “Bookable Room Nights” in the Property Statistics section
    • Added columns for number of Adults and Children in Guest Count Summary table
  • Enhanced UI, Labels and Tooltips to access, read and export the report easily.





Report Header

A brief intro about the report.


Effective Date Selector

Select a date from the predefined selections (Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday) or pick a custom date from the date picker.


Advanced Inputs

The inclusion or exclusion of ‘Breakout Tax-Exempt Revenue’ is available as an advanced input option.


NOTE- The sort/ group by options are not present on this report, due to the inherent nature of the report, where it displays data for the selected date, Month to Date and Year to Date and not Summary and Detailed views of the report.




The Daily Flash report (Output) includes information about Property Performance and Guest Counts.
The property performance includes the following sections:

  • Revenue Types – Total Revenue Generated on the selected Date, Month to date and Year to date.


  • Payments Method Types – All Payments made per Payment type on the selected Date, Month to date and Year to date.


  • Net Changes – Final balances on each Ledger account, on the selected Date, Month to date and Year to date.



  • Property Statistics including Total Room Nights, Rooms sold, Occupancy %, Status of rooms etc., on the selected Date, Month to date and Year to date.



The Guest Count Summary section provides a detailed insight on the number of Rooms and Guests.




Input Options

A summary of Inputs. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to make changes.



Name of the selected report, with the Property (Client/Account) Name.


Input Summary

A reference to all the Input Options selected to generate the report.


Property Performance Tables

This section provides a high-level summary of the Property Performance for Selected date and pre-defined time intervals, based on following:

·       Revenue Types – Total Revenue Generated,

·       Payments Method Types – All Payments made per Payment type,

·       Net Changes – Final balances as of Ledger accounts,

·       Property Statistics – Rooms sold, Occupancy %, Status of rooms etc.


Guest Count Summary Table

A summary of Guest Count Statistics. i.e., number of inhouse guests, expected arrivals and departures etc., each broken out by guest type (Adults or children).



Room Forecast Report

Performance statistics by stay date.

Notable Updates

  • The report provides the option to include the following data:
    • Performance metrics (Revenue, ADR, RevPAR)
    • Group reservations
    • Inactive/Obsolete rooms
  • Bookable room nights column is added to the report
  • Seldom used “Guaranteed Reservation” stats were removed to make room for report data





Report Header

A brief intro about the reports, along with generic fields.


Date Range

Select a date range from the predefined ranges (Today, This Week, This Month, Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days, Next 90 Days) or pick a custom date range from the date picker.


Input Options

Option to break out the report data by Room class or Market segment.


Group Rows

The data in the report can be grouped by – Days, Weeks, Months, or Year


Advanced Inputs

Additional input options to choose if the following are included:

·       Performance metrics (on by default)

·       Group data (on by default)

·       Inactive or Obsolete rooms (off by default).



The output of the Room Forecast report has been reformatted and has tool tips to explain all columns.




Input Options

A summary of Inputs. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to make a change to the Input options.



Name of the selected report, with the Client/Account Name.


Input Summary

A reference to all the Input Options that were provided to run the report.


Summary View Table

·  A Summary of Room Forecast data for the selected time range.

·  Tooltips are added to clearly explain each column.


Detailed View Table

·  A Detailed view of Room Forecast data for the selected time range, based on the ‘Group By’ option selected.

·  Tooltips are added to clearly explain each column.

Net Sales Report

This report is intended to provide a summary of Net Sales grouped by category (Channel, Room Class, etc.)

Notable Updates

  • Output is simplified to focus on key, net performance data.
    • Gross booking and cancellation sections have been removed to provide more room for the net booking, net revenue and performance stat sections. The cancellation data will be available in an upcoming cancellation report.
  • Option to include Inactive and Obsolete rooms.
  • Ability to group rows by time period.




Date Range

Select a date range from the predefined ranges (All, Today, Last Week, Month to Date, Year to Date, Last Month, Last Year) or pick a custom date range from the date picker.


Input Options

·  Group Net Sales By:  There are 17 input options to group the report data, such as Booking Day, Rate Plan, Channel, Room Class, etc.
Note: The “source” option is relabeled as “Channel”.

·  Sort the detailed view of the report data in ascending/descending order.


Customized Detail View

To group the data in the Detailed section of the Report by Days, Weeks, Days of a week, etc.


Advanced Inputs

·  Generates report based on a selected ‘Booked on date range’.

·  Can include/exclude inactive and obsolete rooms data from the reports.



Net Sales Report (Output) has undergone significant changes to accommodate Summary and Detailed views of the data in proper tables, and to be grouped by selected filters.

The Summary and Detailed views of the Report include the following:

  • Net Bookings data - Reservations, Nights and Booking percentages.
  • Net Revenue data – Total revenue of Rooms and Other charges.
  • Performance stats – Average stay and Cancel percentages, etc.
  • Tooltips are added for a better explanation of what each column of data signifies.






Report Input Details

·  Name of the selected report, with the Property (Client/Account) Name.

·  A reference to all the Input Options provided to run the report.


Summary Table

A summary view of Net Sales, based on selected input options.


Detailed Table

A detailed view of Net Sales broken out by the selected input (i.e., Channel, Room Class, etc.) and grouped by Days, Weeks, Months, etc.,


Folio Balances Report – Guest Ledger (FKA as “Account Balance – Guest Ledger”)

The Folio Balances Report is intended to provide the ‘Balance information’ for guest reservations.

Notable Updates

  • The Folio balances report was previously inside the Account Balance report. It has been broken out into its own report for easier access.
  • Select specific reservation statuses.
  • Select balance type: All, Receivable Balances, Payable Balances






Date Picker

Generates report based on the ‘Effective date’ using a Date Picker or predefined dates: Today, Yesterday.


Input Options

Select all/some of the ‘Reservation Types’, to be in the report data.


Included Balances

Select the type of balances to be in the report:

·       Receivable balances

·       Payable balances

·       All (Both Receivables and Payables)


Customize Detail View

To sort the report data using options such as:  Guest Name, Reservation Number, Folio Balance, Arrival/Departure dates, etc.


Advanced Inputs

Additional input options to determine what data is included in the report:

·       Display account/company name,

·       Include pending folio transactions,

·       Include authorization.









Input Details

Name of the selected report and reference to selected inputs.


Summary Table

A summary view table of Folio Receivables and Folio Payables based on selected ‘Reservation Type’ options.


Detailed Table

A detailed view of all the reservation balances for the given input options.



Advance Deposit Report

A report to track the advanced deposits for your property.

Notable Updates

  • Inputs have been renamed to better describe their effect and have been re-organized.
  • Option to group the report by transaction, day, week, month, year.





Date Range

Select a transaction date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Last Week, Last Month, Month to Date) or pick a custom date range from the date picker.


Input Options

Select the desired deposit types.  A detailed tooltip is presented to explain what each of these input types mean.


Customized Detail View

To sort and group the data in the Detailed section of the Report.

·       Sort the report by fields such as Room Number, Guest Name, Reservation details, etc.

·       Group the report by Transaction, Day, Week Month, Year


Advanced Inputs

·    Stay on Date Range

·    Choose if the report should include or exclude ‘Past reservations’ and ‘Balance on Arrival’ for deposits held as liability.






Input Options

A summary of Inputs. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to make changes.


Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View Section

Displays a summary view of data for all the selected Advanced Deposit Types.

The negative balances, if any, are indicated in red color


Detailed View Section

Displays a detailed view of Reservation and Transaction details for each of the Advanced Deposit type selected in the report.

“Sort Report By” and “Group Row By” options on the Input Screen can be used to customize the detailed view on the Report Output screen.



Account Balances Report

A collection of receivable and payable balances for accounts in the City Ledger.


Notable Updates

  • New filter to Select balance type: All, Receivable Balances, Payable Balances.




Date Picker

Select a date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Yesterday) or pick a custom date from the date picker.


Input Options

All available Accounts can be (de)selected using the “select all/clear all” option.


Included Balances

Select the type of balances to be in the report:

·       Receivable balances

·       Payable balances

·       All (Both Receivables and Payables)


Customized Detailed View

To sort the data in the detailed view of the report, per option selected.






Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View Section

Displays a summary view of balances for each Account.

Receivables and Payables are marked separately.


Detailed View Section

Displays a detailed view of data per each account/transaction.

“Sort Report By” option on Input Screen can be used to customize sorting.


Transactions Report (FKA as Merchant Transactions)

All transactions by payment method for a specified date range

Notable Updates

  • Pick specific credit card transaction types including Capture, Refund, Cancel (void), Declines, Authorizations and Authorization reversals.
  • Ability to turn off “Break Out Daily Totals” if you just want to view detail information.
  • “Include data from” defaults to “All Users” (instead of logged in user) since this is the most common way to run report. This filter also allows you to pick a specific user.
  • “Exclude Zero Balance Payment Methods” filter added to remove unnecessary blank rows in report.
  • Order ID and Authorization Code columns are optional and turned off by default.




Date Picker

Select a date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Last Week, Last Month) or pick a custom date range from the date picker.


Input Options

Select the type of ‘Input payments’ to be included in the report.

User can select one or more of these input options and a detailed tooltip is presented to explain what each of these input types mean.


Break Out Daily Totals

To include or exclude the daily breakout totals in the report.


Customized Detailed View

To sort the data in the detailed view of the report, per option selected.


Advanced Inputs

Offers more input fields for the users to choose from. Tooltips provide a clear definition of what each input field does.






Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View Section

Displays a summary view of ‘Total payment value’ for each of the selected Payment types.


Detailed View Section

Displays a detailed view of information for each transaction made, including Transaction amount, Associated reservation, and CC details etc.

“Sort Report By” option on Input Screen can be used to customize sorting.


Reservation Reports

Reservation reports are now available in the Reports module.

Reservation Cards Report

A brand-new card-based look has been provided to the existing Reservation Details Report, with new filters to make it easier to view the desired reservations.





Choose Date Range

Select a stay on date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days) or pick a custom date range using the date picker.


Input Options

Select the desired Reservation type to be seen in the report.


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – Reservation Number, Guest name, Balance, Arrival or Departure date, etc.


Advanced Inputs

·    Only Include Reservations with – To filter the report data for reservations with ‘Unpaid balance’, ‘Unassigned room’ and ‘No payment method’.

·    Booked on Date Range - Generates the report with reservations that are booked during a certain date range, as selected by the user.







Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Reservation Cards

Displays a card for each Reservation and its information in a much cleaner format.

A callout is provided in the left column, if a reservation is ‘Unassigned’, has an ‘Unpaid Balance’ or ‘No Payment Method’ on file


Reservation List Report

A report to list all the active reservations within a selected date range. A new UI and some additional features have been provided to the existing report, but the basic report remains the same.






Stay On Date Range

Select a stay on date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days) or pick a custom date range using the date picker.


Input Options

Select the desired Reservation types to be seen in the report.


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – Reservation Number, Guest name, Reservation status, Reservation type, Arrival or Departure date, etc.


Advanced Inputs

·    Only Include Reservations with – To filter the report data for reservations with ‘Unpaid balance’, ‘Unassigned room’ and ‘No payment method’.

·    Include Revenue – A check box to include the financial details of each reservation.

·    Booked on Date Range - Generates the report with reservations that are booked during a certain date range, as selected by the user.









Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view for each Reservation type for the selected date range and corresponding Guest and Payment statistics.


Detailed View

Displays a detailed list of all the Reservations for the selected date range, sorted by the selected filter.

The report highlights reservations that are ‘Unassigned’, have an ‘Unpaid Balance’ or ‘No Payment Method’ on file.


Reservation Details Report

With the existing Reservation Details being transformed to Reservation Cards, an additional reservation details report is provided with 40 columns of data, focusing on every single piece of Guest information.  This report is not intended to be printed and is for download to excel only if you need to export full reservation details.






Stay On Date Range

Select a stay on date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Month to Date, Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days) or pick a custom date range using the date picker.


Input Options

Select the desired Reservation types to be seen in the report.


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – Reservation Number, Guest name, Reservation status or type, Source, Arrival or Departure date, etc.


Advanced Inputs

·    Only Include Reservations with – To filter the report data for reservations with ‘Unpaid balance’, ‘Unassigned room’ and ‘No payment method’.

·    Booked on Date Range - Generates the report with reservations that are booked during a certain date range, as selected by the user.

·    Include Data From – To filter the report data by a ‘User’ to see all reservations that the specified user interacted with (created or updated). Refer to User Entitlements section for more information on this.







Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Reservation Cards

Displays a detailed view of each Reservation as a row, to accommodate every detail about the Guest reservation at a single place.

The report highlights reservations that are ‘Unassigned’, have an ‘Unpaid Balance’ or ‘No Payment Method’ on file.



Reservation History Report

Another brand-new Reservation report which focuses on listing out all the changes made on all the reservations for a selected date range.  This report is great for tracking down reservation changes that were made to a reservation, all changes that happened on a specific date/time range or changes that were made by a specific user.






Transaction Date Range

Select a date range from the predefined set (Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month) or pick a custom date range, to retrieve the history logs.


Input Options

Option to include the Reservation History Categories such as Folio items or Payments or Reservation changes, to be seen on the report.


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – Reservation Number, Guest name, Date and time, Category, etc.


Advanced Inputs

·    Include Data from – To filter the report data, for updates made by a ‘User’. (Refer to the User Entitlements section for more information on this)

·    Shift Time – To retrieve the Historical data for a time frame. The start time is mapped to start date of Transaction Date range and the end time is mapped to the end date.







Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view of each Reservation History Category and a corresponding count of logs included in the report.


Detailed View

Displays a detailed view of each Reservation History log, sorted by the selected filter.


Reservation In context Reports

Along adding the new look reports to the reports module, these reports can still be accessed from the Reservation Dashboard page, (as well as the Guest history page and Accounts module).




Click the export icon above to launch the reservation reports pop-up as seen below –




  • The reports will include the reservations from your current search
  • From the export pop-up, the 3 Reservation reports (List, Cards and Details) can be downloaded in the enhanced UI format.
    • The Mailing Details will receive similar UI updates very soon.


New Reports

Year Over Year Pace Report

The Pace Report is a new addition to the Reports module that will shed some deeper insights on Property performance, occupancy, revenue, and other top metrics of this year, in-comparison to the same metrics in a past year.

This report will have the same entitlement as the ‘Room Forecast Report’.

  • Same Roles/User who can access the Room Forecast report can access the pace report.
  • This report can be run for a ‘Single property’ only






Stay Date Range

Select a stay date range from the predefined set (Today, Next 7 days, Next 14, Next 30, Next 60, Next 90 or Next 180 days) or pick a custom date range.


Input Options

(Pace Vs)

Choose a past year for which you would like to compare performance data.

For example, you can choose to view occupancy for a given stay date, as of today, compared to the occupancy you had at the for the same period last year. This allows you to see the pace of bookings year over year, for a given set of days.

Please note that the comparison is with regards to the day of the week, rather than the specific dates. For example, when viewing stay date Tuesday Aug 17 2021, the report will compare performance to Tuesday Aug 18, 2020 (if Pace vs. “Last year” was chosen).


Group Rows By

The data in the report can be grouped by – Days, Weeks, and Months.


Advanced Inputs

·       Break-out by Room class - Displays the report data for each room class specifically, within the selected date range.

·       Break-out by Channel - Displays the report data for each channel specifically, within the selected date range.

·    Include performance metrics – Displays the report data by including the selected performance metrics, for each date within the selected date range.







Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view of Rooms sold, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR and RevPAR, in comparison with the past year, for the selected stay dates.


Detailed View

Displays a detailed view of Rooms sold, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR and RevPAR, in comparison with the past year selected, for the selected stay dates, grouped by Day, Week, or Month.



Pickup Report

The Pickup Report is a new addition to the Reports module that allows you to compare performance data for the desired stay dates across 2 different points in time, which allows you to see how many rooms have been “picked up” during that timeframe.   For example, “show me how many reservations we added between now and 7 days ago”.

This report will have the same entitlement as the ‘Room Forecast Report’.

  • Same Roles/User who can access that report can access this report as well.
  • This report can be run for a ‘Single property’ only, even when it is a multi-property client.






Stay Date Range

Select a stay date range from the predefined set (Today, Next 7 days, Next 14, Next 30, Next 60, Next 90 or Next 180 days) or pick a custom date range.


Comparison Dates

Choose 2 comparison dates for which you would like to compare performance data.

For example, you can choose to view bookings for a given stay date, as of Today, compared to how many bookings you had for the same stay date, 7 days ago. This allows you to see how many bookings you have added in the past 7 days.

Options across these dropdowns are Today, Yesterday, Past 7 days, Past 14 days, Past 30 days, Past 60 days.

You can also pick specific dates but the ‘View Bookings as of’ date must always be > the ‘Compared to bookings as of’ date.


Group Rows By

The data in the report can be grouped by – Days, Weeks, and Months.


Advanced Inputs

·       Break-out by Room class - Displays the report data for each room class specifically, under each date within the selected date range.

·       Break-out by Channel - Displays the report data for each channel specifically, under each date within the selected date range.

·    Include Performance Statistics – Displays the report data by including the selected performance metrics, for each date within the selected date range.







Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view of Rooms sold, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR and RevPAR across the two comparison dates selected.


Detailed View

Displays a detailed view of Rooms sold, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR and RevPAR for each stay date, across the two comparison dates selected, grouped by Day, Week, or Month.


Cancellation Report

The Cancellation Report is a new Report under the ‘Front Desk Reports’ section, that will allow users to track information about each of the Cancelled Reservations and the Lost revenue on them, along with any Cancellation fee, if applicable.


This report will have the same entitlement as the other ‘Reservation Reports’.

  • Same Roles/User who can access the Reservation reports can access this report as well.






Cancelled Date Range

Filters reservations based on the date they were cancelled.  For example, if you select today, it will return reservations that were cancelled today, for any stay date.


Only Include Reservations with Open Balances

Select this option to view ‘Only’ those reservations that have a non-zero balance (Positive or a Negative)



The data in the report can be Sorted by – Cancelled Date (or) Stay on Date.


Advanced Inputs

·     Choose Stay Date Range - The date range selector allows the user to specify which stay dates they would like to see the Cancelled Reservations from. The dynamic date ranges that are available for this field are: (Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month, Last week, Last Month, This Year, All)

·     Break-out Summary By – Options include (None, Room Class, Channel) Displays the number of cancellations for each Room Class or from each Channel/Source, as selected by the User.








Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view of total number of Cancelled reservations, total Nights Cancelled, Lost Revenue, Cancellation Fees, and the Unpaid balance. (Please refer to the Detailed View row below, to understand how these are calculated)


Detailed View

Displays a detailed view per each reservation with information such as Guest and Reservation details, Lost revenue, User cancelled and Cancellation fee, if any.

·       Lost Revenue – The sum of charges (Room charges, Add-ons, Incidentals, etc.) that are Voided during Cancellation.  Note:  Any charges that are not voided during cancellation, will be listed under the ‘Balance’ column.

·       Cancellation fee – Total cancellation fees collected for the reservation

·       Unpaid – The outstanding Balance/Unpaid charges on the Cancelled reservation.  Positive balances are displayed in black and indicate money owed by the Customer to the Client.  Negative balances are displayed in red and indicate a refund is owed.


Guest Compliance Report

The Guest Compliance Report allows properties to export guest information to comply with regulations in certain jurisdictions, where guest information may need to be provided to local authorities such as police and fire departments. The report includes guest contact information, identification document data and the stay dates of the guest’s reservation.


This report will have a separate entitlement and only those User Roles who have this entitlement can see or access this report.






Choose Date Range

Select a date range from the predefined set (Today, Week to Date, Last Week, Month to Date, Last Month) or pick a custom date range.


Customized Detail View

The data in the report can be Sorted by – Arrival Date (or) Departure Date.








Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Detailed View

Displays a detailed view per each reservation with information such as Guest Info, Mailing Address, Arrival and Departure dates and Guest Identification Documents.

In case of multiple guests within a reservation, a dedicated row is displayed for each Guest.

The inclusion of Guest information and documents is optional, and this report will only show the information that is captured on the Reservation.

Please refer to the Profile & Reservation Updates guide or contact innRoad support for more information on capturing additional guest information and identification documents.


Vehicle List Report

The Vehicle List report allows properties to monitor vehicles that are permitted on the property, for their registered guests. This report is available to any user that has the reservation reports entitlement.

Add a Vehicle

As a reminder, vehicles can be added within the ‘Vehicle Info’ section of a reservation


The vehicle information can then be accessed in the Vehicle List report





Stay On Date Range

Select a stay on date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month) or pick a custom date range using the date picker.


Include Reservation Types

Select the desired Reservation types to be seen in the report.


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – License Plate, Vehicle Type, Color, Make, Reservation Number, Guest name, Reservation status, Arrival or Departure date


Advanced Inputs

The data in the report can be filtered by the Vehicle type – Car, Truck, Boat, etc.





Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view of ‘Total Vehicles’ on the property, for the selected stay-on date range.


Detailed View

Displays a detailed list of all the Vehicles for the selected stay-on date range, sorted by the selected filter(s).


Contacts List Report

The Contact List report provides an updated layout to the existing Mailing Details report and allows users to view or export their guest’s contact information.  The updated report includes contact information for both primary and additional guests.






Stay On Date Range

Select a stay on date range from the predefined ranges (Today, This Week, Month to Date, Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days, Last Month) or pick a custom date range using the date picker.


Input Options

Select the desired Reservation types to be seen in the report.


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – Reservation Number, Guest Name, Previous Stays, Email Opt-in, Mailing and Billing addresses, etc.


Advanced Inputs

·    Booked on Date Range - Generates the report with reservations that are booked during a certain date range, as selected by the user.

·    Guests Email Opt-In Status – To filter the report data for guests that have opted-in for emails or not.

·    Hide Duplicate Profiles:  When set to Yes, one row is displayed per unique guest, with the guest’s most recent reservation for the selected time frame.  Note: For guest’s that do not have a profile, unique is determined by Name + Email + Phone

·    Include Additional Guests:

o   Yes: Includes rows for Primary AND Additional Guests

o   No: Only Primary guests are included in the report





Report Header

Displays the report criteria and inputs, that enabled the report to be generated.


Summary View

Displays a summary view for guests included in the selected date range.

First Time Guests:  New guests, with no prior stays (+ guests that do not have a profile)

Repeat Guests:  Guests with at least one completed reservation


Detailed View

Displays a detailed contact list of all the guests from the reservations in the selected date range, sorted by the selected filter.

Guest Name: Links to guest profile when available

Res #:  Links to the associated reservation.

Guest information is pulled from the guest profile when available.


Notes Report

The Notes report allows properties to view all reservation notes in a single view.  For example, this report can be used to:

  • Review all cancellation notes to better understand why guests are cancelling reservations
  • Print a list of reservations with dietary restrictions
  • View a list of guest complaints




Stay On Date Range

Select a stay on date range from the predefined ranges (Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week) or pick a custom date range using the date picker.


Input Options

Select the desired Note types from the pick list, to be displayed in the report.

At least one note type must be selected


Sort Report By

The data in the report can be sorted by – Reservation Number, Room Number, Guest Name, Status, Stay Dates, Note Type, Subject, Description


Advanced Inputs

·    Reservation Status: Select the specific reservation status to include in the report.  For example, select “In-house” if you only want view notes for reservations that are currently in house.

·    Include Deleted Notes:  Set to Yes to include deleted notes in the report.



The report displays a row for each reservation and note, for reservations that have a note for the specified note types, and are staying during the specified date range.



Saved Reports

‘Saved Reports’ is a new feature that allows users to run their favorite reports much faster.

Properties often tend to use the same set of inputs each time they run a report and it can be time consuming to set the preferred inputs.

  • Saved reports allows users to save their preferred inputs to run reports faster.

  • Saved reports can also reduce the training issues where an admin can create a saved report and instruct their staff to run it with everything preconfigured the right way


Adding a New Saved Report


Saving a report requires 3 simple steps

  • Select Inputs
  • This is the first step a user does when running any report.
  • Note – The ‘Save’ button is in Disabled state here.




Dynamic Date Selection

Date Inputs on all reports allow users to set various dynamic values (Today, Month to Date, Next 30 Days, etc.), so that when a report is run, the date criteria is relative to the current date.

For example – In the image above, the report is saved with Stay on Date = “This Month”.

If the report is run on any day in October, the date range will be set to October 1 – October 31.  If it is run on any day in November, the date range will be set to Nov 1 to Nov 30.

Note – The only scenario when these dates will be ‘Hardcoded’ is when the user selects a ‘Custom Date’. In that case, the saved report will always open with those Custom dates selected.

  • Run the Report: To save a report, the user is required to ‘Run the report’ successfully and only then, the ‘Save’ button is enabled. If the ‘Run Report’ action fails due to data not being available, the button is disabled




  • Save the Report: Click “Save” to open the Save Report modal
    • Provide a unique name for the saved report that is being created.
    • An error message is shown when a unique name is not provided.




  • Click “Save” to save the report and a ‘Success’ message pop-up in ‘Green’ is shown.





Accessing the list of Saved Reports


Click the ‘Saved Reports’ navigation link, to access their property’s list of ‘Saved Reports’.





The name of the saved report is a link to open the report

Report Type

The type of report (Net Sales, Daily Flash, etc.)

Date Range

The date range criteria that were saved for the report.

  • If a predefined date range is selected, then the same is shown (Month to date, Year to date, Last 7 days, etc.)

  • If a custom date range is selected, then the same is shown (06/15/2021 - 06/30/2021, etc.)

Last Viewed

The date the report was last opened/accessed. The date is updated each time -

  • When it is edited and saved,

  • When it is opened and run.

  • The time shown is respective to the Client/Property’s time zone.

Created By

The ‘Username’ of the user who created the report


Multi Property Clients

Multi Property clients will see an additional ‘Property’ column, which displays the name of the property (or “All”), for which the report was saved.

The All selection will only grant a user access to the properties they have permission to see.  Example:

  • Client has 3 properties: A, B and C

  • User 1 has Access to Properties A and C

  • User 1 runs a report with “All”- the report will contain data from properties A and C.





All users can access Saved Reports but will only be able to see the types of reports that they are entitled to see based on their assigned Role(s).  Examples:

  • User 1 only has the “Reservation Reports” entitlement. When they access the above “Saved Reports” screen, they will only see the “Reservation History” report

  • User 2 has the “Account Balances Report” and “Net Sales Report” entitlement. When they access the above “Saved Reports” screen, they will only see the “Account Balance” and ”Daily Flash” reports


Note - The ‘Saved Reports’ created by a user can be accessed or deleted by any user that has access to that type of report.   An update to this behavior will be coming soon.



Opening a Saved Report


A saved report includes a blue header and the saved report name, to distinguish it from regular reports.





Saved reports allows you to:

  • Run the saved report
  • Update the report inputs and run the report
  • Save the report
    • Save – replaces the existing saved report with any updated input selections
    • Save As – Creates a new copy of the report with a unique name




Batch Reports

‘Batch Reports’ is a new feature that allows a set of ‘Saved Reports’ to be run together at once, rather than downloading each report individually.

A batch can also be configured to be emailed to a set of email addresses on a desired schedule. For example, you can create a “Management Reports” batch that includes the Daily Flash, Net Sales and Ledger Balances report and schedule it to be emailed to your management team, every day.

The Batch Reports section is right next to the ‘Saved Reports’ section in the ‘Reports Module’.


Adding a New Batch Report

To create a ‘Batch Report’, complete the following 3 steps

1) Click on the ‘+ Add New Batch’ button that is shown below.


2)   Provide Inputs in the Add New Batch Popup





A unique name for the batch report

Select Saved Reports

Select the desired Saved Reports to be included in this Batch by typing the saved report names and selecting them from the list.


Select PDF or an Excel format for your batch

Send batch Email

Turn ON to schedule your batch to be emailed

If the Send Batch Email toggle is ‘OFF’, the user can still create a Batch Report but will not receive any email and can only download the Batch files manually from the ‘Batch Reports’ Section.

Email Frequency

Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly for your desired email frequency

Email Addresses

Enter the desired email addresses you wish to receive the batch


3)  Click Save to save the batch



Access the list of Batch Reports

Click on the ‘Batch Reports’ navigation menu to access the list of ‘Batch Reports’.





The name of the Batch report is also a Hyperlink to edit the Batch report.


The names of the Saved reports are included in this Batch.


The type of the Downloaded file, when scheduled.


The frequency of the batch, when scheduled

Email List

The list of email recipients of the Batch Report, when scheduled.


Two buttons by the name – PDF and Excel.

By clicking on these buttons, the Batch report can be generated and downloaded manually. This action can be taken by any user at any time.

Delete Icon

The option to delete a Batch report.



A user must have the “Batch Reports” entitlement to access the new “Batch Reports” section.




Edit a Batch Report

Click the batch name from the batch list to load the batch report edit screen, make desired changes as covered in the add batch section above, and click save to save your changes.


Delete a Batch

Click the Delete Icon and confirm to delete a batch report.



Batch Emails

When a batch is run, an email is sent with a secure link to download your batch reports.  This link is valid for 14 days.

Scheduled Batch Reports are generated at ~3 AM and are sent at ~7 AM of the local time zone. 




Report Entitlements

Another new feature that we have implemented in this release is to include an individual entitlement for each report.


All the Roles in the current system with reports access will automatically be given the new Entitlements so that they can access these new reports immediately. Clients now will have an option to update the permissions to these Roles, as and if desired, from Admin Module > Roles Tab.




Along with the Report entitlements, there are certain Special Functions (Entitlements) too and one important entity to be noted is the ‘Run Report as Others’ entitlement.

  • If this entitlement is checked, then Users will be able to filter come reports for changes made by a specific user. If this is unchecked (as in the example below) then users are limited to running the reports as the logged-in User only.



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